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EcoPlex Human Group 5(16 Analytes)

The EcoPlex Human Group 5 contains 16 Analytes. Each analyte has a unique bead ID and can be combined in any combination. Bead ID may vary in a panel. Refer to packaging/product inserts and kit labels for details.

Analytes LOD (pg/mL) LLOQ (pg/mL) ULOQ (pg/mL)  Note
CCL13/SCYA13/MCP-4 < 10 < 20 > 5,000  
CCL15/SCYA15/MIP-1δ/MIP-5 < 10 < 20 > 5,000  
CCL19/SCYA19/MIP-3β < 10 < 20 > 5,000  
CCL20/SCYA20/MIP-3α < 10 < 20 > 5,000  
CCL22/SCYA22/MDC < 5 < 10 > 5,000  
CCL24/SCYA24/Eotaxin-2/MPIF-2 < 10 < 20 > 5,000  
CCL27/SCYA27/CTACK < 10 < 20 > 5,000  
CXCL13/BCA-1 < 10 < 20 > 5,000  
CXCL14/BRAK < 5 < 10 > 5,000  
CXCL16/SCYB16 < 10 < 20 > 5,000  
CXCL5/ENA-78 < 5 < 10 > 5,000  
Gp130/sCD130 < 5 < 10 > 5,000  
IGFBP-1 < 10 < 20 > 5,000  
IGFBP-7 < 5 < 10 > 5,000  
IL-6Rα/IL-6R alpha/sCD126 < 20 < 50 > 20,000  
TNFRSF1B/sCD120b/sTNFR2/sTNFRII < 10 < 20 > 5,000  
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